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School Accountability > Student Learning Accountability

Education Domain Blog

Author(s): Susan Patrick

Issue(s): State Policy, Redesign Accountability Systems for Continuous Improvement

A series of posts focused on Student-centered Accountability 3.0 as a requirement for supporting student-centered learning.

(Part 3)

The current system of accountability is focused on school accountability – I propose the unit of measure and alignment should be “student learning” accountability.

It is focused on assessments for learning, to support students and educators, and to maximize resources around student learning needs and to build competencies on high standards.

How would assessments work?

  • Benchmark Entry Assessment – upon entry of a student into a program, an adaptive assessment needs to identify student profile for proficiency levels on standards; this will identify gaps in prior learning to address and close and enable students to see clearly what they have mastered and need to master in their learning progressions toward success.
  • Daily – formative assessments, embedded and performance assessments
  • Rubrics – rubrics that have been tuned by educators with agreement of what it actually looks like when a student demonstrates proficiency and advanced mastery on learning objectives and are needed for evaluating performance-based assessments.
  • Modular summative assessments – offering summative/moderating assessments through the ladder of learning progressions at the appropriate time when a student is ready for assessment throughout the year.

This requires a functional shift to multiple measures of student learning with all assessments having meaning for students in understanding where they are and how they are making progress toward their destination of college and career readiness.

Addressing each student exactly where they are upon entry and meeting individual student needs throughout the year with a focus on competency education is key, with students advancing upon demonstrated mastery of clear learning objectives.

Next time: In education, Accountability 3.0 focuses on each student’s personalized needs toward success, higher standards, and closing the achievement gap will require us to rethink accountability around student-centered learning.
